First Impressions of Dar es Salaam: Using All 5 Senses 

Playing beach soccer with local teens

First Impressions of Dar es Salaam: Using All 5 Senses:

Oliver- I enjoyed exploring the neighborhoods and the food of Dar es Salaam and swimming in the Indian Ocean.

Ciara- The morning trip with the stops around Dar es Salaam was so cool and the beach was really nice. I’m happy with how things are going and I can tell that this is going to be a very unique experience.

Rachel- Biking around the city was really cool, everyone was so friendly. Going to the beach afterwards was fun and the food was amazing.

Cara- Loved biking through the city and experiencing all the diverse neighborhoods.

Ali- I loved when we got to bike around the city and see all the people, especially the little kids who would always say hi to us. I also got to swim in the Indian ocean which was so refreshing and beautiful.

Jessie- Playing soccer on the beach with local teens was super cool. I have always heard that soccer is a universal language, but this was the first time that I experienced it.

Courtney- I was surprised to see how polluted the river was with trash, but I loved playing beach soccer during the sunset.

Daniel- The locals were very friendly and let us play soccer with them. The children were very social as well and would gather to give us high fives.

Jackie- Swimming in warm bright blue water watching the sun set behind the palm trees was amazing after a long day of riding through the colorful city.

Dolly – I enjoyed being able to see more than one star in the sky at the beach.

Jonah – I made friends with two 17 year old kids from Dar Es Salaam and Zanzibar while swimming in the ocean and also got an assist on a goal during beach soccer.

Maya – We watched some awesome dancers and then got to dance with them, which was super cool. Carly and Jonah played the marimba with the musicians.

Carly – On the first day here we tried eating with our hands ( an effort ) and we had our first kiswahili lesson. Being immersed the culture helped us learn some of the language way faster.

Jonah learning how to play the Mirimba at the cultural village.

Learning to dance like a true Tanzanian.

The group receiving instructions before the “reality bike tour” with Afriroots.

Sampling the local coffee on a break during the bike tour.
