The Drakensburg Mountains and Mpumalanga Province

ZAM Blog Post #4

Our penultimate week was full of opportunities to test our individual leadership styles and skills! Each of us stepped outside our comfort zones in the  while hiking, abseiling and zip-lining! Meghan commented on the many examples of leadership including “stepping up first to walk off the side of a mountain is a way to comfort the rest of the group and encourage them to try it as well. Another example was watching out for the person behind you while hiking. If you saw a snake hole or loose rock, you earned them and showed them a way to go. There’s little parts of everyday that we use our leadership skills”. Next we had the chance to put all we’ve learned to the test during a team building activity:

Destiny described how “the whole group needed to work together in order to win. It took us many, many, MANY tries before we actually completed the task”. During a debrief, each of us reflected on our strengths and weaknesses plus how beneficial it is to have a variety of leadership styles in one group!

Next, we travelled north to Mpumalanga Province where the scenery became noticeably greener and we visited three of the Province’s natural wonders: The dramatic Blyde River Canyon, the rainforest escarpment of “God’s Window” with views extending all the way to neighboring Mozambique, and the “Potholes”—captivating natural pools carved by the river over centuries. Then we were on to the famed Kruger Park! Our chance for an African Safari had finally arrived. We woke up at 3 a.m. to have the highest likelihood of seeing wildlife! Lucky for us, we spotted a LION walking less than 10 feet from our safari truck! Between the morning and evening treks through the park, we spotted 3 of South Africa’s Big Five!

The group safely prepped and ready to zip line in the Drakensburg Mountains!

Kency giving a thumbs off as he suspends over water.


Cheesing in front of the Three Rondavels!

Payton and Kency enjoying the Potholes!

Destiny and Leslie on the safari ride through Kruger National Park.
